A packaged game that is ran with -fullscreen shifts position when entered windowed mode. I am not seeing this issue when running an unpackaged project with -game -fullscreen. I am also not seeing t ...
The 'Convert Actor' option in the details tab of brushes does not function. The option is grayed out and not selectable. Note for Core: This button works by looking for the ConversionRoot UCLASS m ...
BSP brushes only move in relative space instead of world space if the user has selected vertices from more than one bsp brush. User cannot change translation to worldspace instead of local space. ...
There is no way to add a value to an Actor variable in a Data Table. Currently, Structs accept Actor as a variable type, though no default value can be set. If a Data Table is made from a Struct wit ...
When reimporting a .FBX matinee Actor, the X and Y axis of the animation are interchanged. ...
Locking a selected Actor in a Level keeps the Actor highlighted when selecting another Actor. ...
Default Value elements in a variable array inside a Game Instance Blueprint collapses after anything is entered. This does not occur in other Blueprint classes. Additional actions that will collaps ...
Edit MattK: I think the simplest and safest solution to this is to simply prevent all input from leaving a running play in editor viewport. A user wants to bind CTRL key to crouch, and when they u ...
More clarity for error when spawnables reference level actors I believe this error is expected as spawnables shouldn't reference level actors, but if not, we can convert this to a bug to resolve th ...