Array inputs in Custom Events cause a compiler "note". On compile, "NOTE" is added to the node, and this appears in the Compiler Results: "Info No value will be returned by reference. Parameter 'Lis ...
If two line traces are run one right after the other to the same end point but different start locations, at times the second trace will incorrectly register hitting other objects though the trace l ...
UPDATE: 3/10/2015 User reported manually adding a separate boolean value causes that value to automatically switch to true upon reloading editor as well. No current workaround is available. ======= ...
Open a level that contains instanced meshes will crash the editor. Per the users description, the level must have had lighting built and then another level loaded or the editor restarted. Once the ...
Code asserts because it assumes that a self closing node is within another node or has another node left in the doc to parse ...
I make a custom struct and assign default values to it's member floats, etc. When I use that in a Blueprint, the defaults work as expected. However, when I reference it as a local variable in a BP f ...
collision does not correct update when an object that has limited collision is altered/rotated. ...
When Using a LPV the lighting that is bouncing is only visible in the left eye. Oculus needed for reproducing this issue ...
When the editor is open behind another window and the mouse hoovers over objects and options in various submenus, objects are still highlighted in the editor. ...
If a user hides the details of a foliage actor in the foliage tool menu, then saves and closes the editor the details will re-open upon re-opening the editor. ...