Trigger volumes do not detect overlap events. Tested in //depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2394966 ...
A user has found and reported a divide by zero warning within the Construction Script when packaging for Windows. This does not occur while in the editor as when you begin moving around the blueprin ...
Component reference broken in sequencer when component is renamed ...
Ontextchanged is not fired in mobile device. Both iOS and Android. ...
The shell script file that is created in the root LinuxNoEditor folder has the default text file icon when packaging a project for Linux. This is inconsistent from Windows and Mac where the package ...
A licensee has reported a crash when dragging a Sound Wave onto the Output node within the Sound Cue editor. Regression? This crash does not occur on the 4.11.2 binary release CL-2946394 ...
Re-parenting blueprint actors do not lose interfaces associated with their previous parent blueprint. Interfaces and interface functions can no longer be deleted from the re-parented actor. ...
Private functions within a blueprint can be called from other blueprints. A warning does appear but the function is run despite this warning. ...
Creating a second Strategy Game project, and leaving it as the default name (StrategyGame2) will prevent it from being compiled. The compile fails because the files are not properly renamed to match ...
Project browser creates nested scroll bars when you have a lot of projects ...