If a character with a cloth simulation or a mesh with a cloth simulation is in the scene there is wind force that is being applied to the cloth. The only way to remove this is by setting a Wind Dire ...
After setting a particle system component inside blueprint, clicking the "Reset Emitter" button in the details panel does not have any effect on the particle system. ...
Enabling Allow Client Side Navigation results in a NavMesh Needs To Be Rebuilt error message on the Client. The Client cannot use the nav mesh. This is a regression: this did not occur in 4.9.2 (th ...
If an actor's Simulate Physics and ActorLocation/Rotation properties are set in code the editor will crash immediately upon launch / debug in VS. ...
While testing the 'Shot' command for a user on the AnswerHub, I discovered the reason for the incorrect resolutions of his screenshots, was due to the fact the 'Standalone' window resolution set wit ...
It looks like maybe CheckDefaultSubobjectsInternal() isn't set up to handle non-native (i.e. Blueprint) class types? As well as AActor::CheckActorComponents() perhaps? ...
In the Beam's Source Module the tooltip for the Source Name is actually the tooltip for the Source Tangent Strength. ...
When you Click the Arrow down to the right of the Launch On button, The texture format for an Android device is showing as a jumbled mix of numbers and letters and not in any specific format. ...
A crash occurs when using the 'HighRes Shot 2' command, followed by the 'Shot' command. The user reporting the issue made a couple of notes to avoid the crash using these steps. He mentions the cra ...
The original bug report is unclear – of course framerate of the game on PC will not match device – but QA has found a bug here. Seems like the game thread max tick rate is not being enforced in the ...