If a static mesh is being used by the foliage tool and then deleted in the content browser, the foliage tool will retain a copy of the object and crash the editor if the foliage window is selected a ...
If a Blueprint is made from a custom Blueprintable StaticMeshComponent, and that Blueprint is added as a component to another Blueprint, an Ensure is triggered. No Ensure occurs if the custom nativ ...
When using the shortcut Crtl+W to copy a blackboard node within a behavior tree the editor will crash ...
Removing Aimoffset node from anim blueprint crashes editor Frequency: 2/2 crashreporter: N/A ...
Editor crashes when adding or adjusting functions within character blueprint. Frequency: 5/5 Crashreporter: N/A Note: Does not reproduce on a new character blueprint, this seems limited to a cha ...
When checking the "Pause on Impact" check box within the details panel for the InterpToMovement component, the editor crashes ...
User reported that he was experiencing a crash when attempting to put in Games App ID in Android section of project settings. Note that this occurs only if the Configure Now button in the APKPackagi ...
If the user creates a shortcut for creating a local variable within the editor preferences and then uses that short cut in the level blueprint this will cause a crash. ...
Attempting to open a map through the content browser will crash the editor if that map is opened as a sublevel or the currently opened map through the world composition browser. Frequency: 2/2 Cr ...
When trying to make a prefab (using the Convert Selected Components to Blueprint Class method )out of existing blueprints the editor will crash. ...