The ResavePackages commandlet can be used to batch resave assets. The ResaveClass and IncludeChildClasses options let one resave all assets of a specific parent class. The problem is that blueprint ...
When a Niagara System is placed at around 10^8 units away from the origin, the movements of the mesh particles aren't smooth as expected, but jumpy. These particles behave as if they are using a flo ...
Texture Collections can contain virtual textures. There is no way to inform TextureObjectFromCollection that the texture is virtual, only that it is a Texture2D. This texture object is then sampled ...
Context CharacterMovementComponent can be set in the NavWalking mode so that on the server the characters move using the navigation mesh as floor. This helps performance when the nav mesh is more c ...
When reparenting blueprints and both the old and new parent blueprint contain a subobject but with different values on it, the reparented blueprint doesn't correctly inherit values from the new pare ...
LevelSequenceEditor has input priority over the Level viewport and other editor modules even though the Level viewport has been the last one selected. An example would be a cut operation. If you ha ...
Using GeoMerge on fragments of a GeometryCollection (GC) will create a new single particle while removing the old particles, but although you end up with less particles, the disk file size of the GC ...
The ChaosCacheManager (CCM) changes the bSimulatePhysics flag from the ObservedComponents and, if deleted, the change will persist, what can lead to confusion as observed physical entities will inad ...
There are options on both landscapes and HLOD layers that when enabled, performs the culling of invisible HLOD vertices (parts of HLOD meshes ending up below the terrain). The option works fine w ...
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