Debug information from blueprint visual loggers (log text, loglocation, logboxshape) do not print to either the message log or output log. This can be problematic as the visual debugger specifically ...
Flickering windows with four player PIE on Laptop (mobile) Geforce cards. See attached video, or video link from the answerhub thread. It happens repeatedly and very frequently. ...
After temporarily moving the pivot point (Alt+Middle Mouse Click on the center of the translate tool), you can switch to scale. However, the object still scales from it's original (permanent) pivot ...
If an input binding is renamed and the editor closed and re-opened, the input binding will revert to it's original name. ...
If a bsp brush is deleted from a level, the level has geometry built, and the user presses play then uses the "show collision" console command, the collision for the bsp wlil still appear. This does ...
Retriggerable delays and the nodes after are not recognized when triggered by tick events. ...
Editor crashes if user attempts to open a data table that only has one data type after closing and reopening editor Frequency: 2/2 Crash Reporter: Not currently available ...
When importing a full scene using the Full Scene Importer and having it create a Blueprint actor that will set it's default mobility to static. Even unchecking the Import as Dynamic option will not ...
The scroll bar in the Engine - Collision menu in Project Settings doesn't appear when it first should, and when it does, it resizes and moves oddly. Edit MattK: variable length widgets inside of a ...
Our sample games all seem to use the semi-deprecated Classes folder for their headers, and many of these headers omit a #pragma once (or other header guard). This means that they don't play nicely ...