For Destructibles, Hide Bone by Name doesn't disable collision with PBO Disable and PBO Terminate. This is similar to [Link Removed], but has enough differences to justify a new Jira (Destructibles ...
Reimporting a sprite sheet that had sockets placed on some of the individual frames will result in the sockets moving if the sprite sheet's dimensions have changed since the previous import. This wo ...
In 4.15 When you update the transform of an instance static mesh a second time the editor does not update the location, to get the update to display correctly you must close and re-open the blueprin ...
While testing in KiteDemo - //UE4/Release-4.16 CL 3420042 in Binary – When the editor autosaved I noticed a warning occurred in the output log. – Issue occurs during any Save operation. User can use ...
If a struct variable inside a blueprint has its node split, changing the variable form one struct to another does not update the split pin. Recombining / resplitting the struct has no affect. Work ...
This is a trending crash coming out of the 4.18 release. User DescriptionsI tried to call an Event Dispatcher (which is assigned in the Level Blueprint) in the Construction Script of the Blueprint ...
UPDATE This crash occurs when compiling shaders with a Floating Text asset in the level. Following the repro steps given above, the crash occurs each time opening the editor after forcing shaders to ...
The current engine version (4.22) seems to suffer a huge performance hit when using the demo recording (demorec) feature. This issue is present in both the editor and the packaged game (developer bu ...
4.24 moves distortion calculations to the file DistortionCommon.ush and its`ComputeBufferUVDistortion` function. The code in the INSTANCED_STEREO define no longer works as `Interpolants` isn't passe ...
Editor Content remains visible when selecting a Static Mesh for a Cube Actor in 4.25 preview even after setting Engine content to hidden. ...