If a DataTable Asset is created with a Row Structure that contains a member variable of type BodyInstance, the Editor will crash when attempting to open it while it has no rows. It will also crash w ...
Geometry that has its "Shadow Cache Invalidation Behavior" set to "Static" will still draw in the dynamic shadow cache when it is experiencing WPO ...
In a static lighting environment, moving static objects no longer marks the built lighting as invalid. This prevents the on-screen warning from appearing. Regression introduced in CL: 25964466 on / ...
When an NPC asset is duplicated, the ne wasset gets incorrectly duplicated parameters: one set with the correct names, and one set with the original namespace prefix embedded into the names. These i ...
Substrate Materials do not use Screen-Space reflections. Instead, they do not have any reflections (indirect specular) on the surface. ...
Depth of Field do not work well when using a translucent material, even if the material has no opacity set. Image attached as reference. Light brown colored mesh is translucentGray mesh is opaque ...
Setting the collision thickness for the landscape does not appear to have any effect on any objects colliding with it. Setting the value to a negative or a positive has no effect. ...
Setting a material in a BP construction script after setting a DM will result in a crash. This will render the BP inaccessible once the project reloads. Opening the BP will result in an instant cras ...
When spawning an Actor containing a Destructible Mesh and immediately doing a sphere trace to that actor, upon repeated spawns you will get False results for some time then True results for a while ...
When running the editor through VS debug mode, any breakpoint that is set in the class used as the Default pawn class in world settings will be ignored when playing in editor ...