When a montage containing two slots each containing animations with root motion is played in editor: When the first slot selected, root motion functions properly with the animation. When the sec ...
Setting a FActorSpawnParameters' variable's Template to "this" and then spawning an instance of the static mesh actor using the parameter causes the editor to crash. ...
Blueprints containing child actor components that are overlapping in the blueprint's viewport cannot be used as the default pawn, as they are not spawned in. Using the Spawn Actor From Class node wo ...
If you have a collapsed graph with user defined structure as output, and if the output pin is split, the BP always crashes the editor after you reopening the project. This can also happen in level b ...
A series of moving and undoing a surface which has foliage painted on it will offset the location of the foliage so that it no longer remains in the correct relative location. ...
I was able to open the level once and after a few seconds of being opened the editor crashed while compiling shaders and generating mesh distance fields. Since then I have not been able to open th ...
A number of users are reporting a large drop in performance when working with the landscape grass tool compared to other foliage application methods, as well as a drop in performance since previous ...
Character floats off of ramp when walking into a wall that is slightly sloped. The wall angle is well above the walkable floor angle but the character seems to start walking up the wall regardless. ...
Setting a custom stencil on meshes is not working when using a mobile renderer. This is working as expected in 4.20 CL# 4369336 Found in 4.21 CL# 4541578 and 4.22 CL# 4556068 This is a regression ...
Enabling Tonemapper on Android with Mobile HDR and Bloom enabled causes the entire screen to go black, other than HUD and UMG elements. This seems to occur on older phones, as this occurred on a Ne ...