When placing an instance of ALyraCharacterWithAbilities on the map on the boundary between world partition cells, it fails to take damage in PIE. The expected attribute sets (HealthSet and CombatSet ...
Burst GCs will destroy the target actor if you attach them to the target (FGameplayCueNotify_PlacementInfo::AttachPolicy) and override the decal fade out (FGameplayCueNotify_DecalInfo::bOverrideFade ...
Anim node functions are difficult to debug because breakpoints don't get triggered, and printing is difficult from within the function too. ...
[Link Removed] From UDN: If you are using the new compatible skeletons feature and you have a Montage with an attribute curve on it, the curve is not correctly mapped to the target skeleton. So ...
Using the Quit Editor blueprint node crashes the editor when used, instead of exiting cleanly. Closing the Content Browser prevents the crash from occurring, however. ...
Adding a startup movie to a Lyra Starter game project will cause a crash in a packaged build. Full callstack is attached ...
For desktop renderers, deferred and forward are both one draw.[Image Removed][Image Removed] ...