Licensee is encountering an issue where they would like a segment of a montage to end and hold the last frame for the remainder of the segment length. He is doing this by adjusting the End Time und ...
Component tags do not register when checked within blueprints. ...
If a child anim blueprint has enough animations to go beyond the view of the asset override editor, the override editor will not show a vertical scrollbar until the window is resized. ...
If you have a small main mesh and use the "Additional Body Part" section of Persona to preview other meshes, they become hidden if the main mesh is out of the camera frame. [NameRemoved]: Can we ju ...
After changing the Slot Name field, the Slot node does not update with the new name until you close and re-open the Animation Blueprint ...
Added functionality to a blueprint component through code and built the project in VS. After a hot reload, I saved the blueprint and closed the editor. Reopening the editor and the blueprint cause ...
Adding Rotation to a bsp breaks future extrusions, causing them to incorrectly render. ...
If a .csv created in Microsoft Excel is imported into the editor, any cyrillic characters in the data table will appear as question marks or blank boxes. Note: According to user, this does not occ ...
Constructing instanced meshes with multiple collision components spams the output logs with error messages. ...
Sweep on Set Actor Location is ignored for all components that aren't the Blueprint's root. Reproduced in 4.7.6 and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2568226) ...