Event Dispatcher name changes do not propagate to related nodes until the editor is restarted. This does not appear to affect functionality in 4.7.2. In Main, the nodes must be refreshed to restore ...
Custom Events with duplicate input names will not compile. This does not occur immediately: creating two Custom Events with two identically named inputs will not cause a compile error, but if you re ...
Overridden Interface Functions in Child BPs lose array output pins after closing/reopening the project and become invalid. Reproduced in Main //depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2434822 ...
If you add a throbber to a UMG Blueprint and use the Graph of the Blueprint to change the 'Set Number of Pieces' and use 'Event Tick' to tick the widget, the throbber widget will not appear on scree ...
attempting to break the post process settings struct or split a post process settings struct pin causes pin to disappear, leaving a blank target node. ...
When renaming a blackboard key using the Entry Name box in the key's details panel, the names of the references in the behavior tree are not updated automatically. This is inconsistent behavior be ...
When using the "Replace Selected Actors with" feature in the editor, references to the replaced actor are not updated to reference the new actor (where valid). They will appear to be replaced until ...
When enabling BC7 compression format for a texture in a project that has SM4 disabled will result in the last two Mip Levels being gray. This happens on any texture size. The number o mip levels may ...
When using MS-IME as Japanese input method, scrolling out the text field out side the view causes bIsComposing to be set false - this state causes instability of the editor. Crash happened with Win ...