Using incorrect formatting in FText does not cause compilation errors in EnsureMsgf as it does in other functions such as UE_LOG. This causes crashes to sneak through such as a crash on ensure when ...
Issue reported by one of our licensee on the Japanese UDN ...
Changing the screen settings to Fullscreen through code or blueprints results in a crash. This only happens in the source version of 4.23 and does not occur in the binary version of 4.23. I have att ...
Spline Mesh Components lose their collision in a packaged game when spawning them at runtime, or modifying them via 'Set Start and End' function at runtime. ...
Show Flags are changed to the state that they were set on editor startup when switching to a different level It appears that the state of Show Flags are stored in the editor on shut down, this is c ...
A simple search for `NewStyleOutput = true` will reveal the many instances where this flag is already forced on, including media plates and media bundles. This however means that we have incompatib ...
This bug causes an editor crash. This crash occurs when changing the default values of a UStructs properties that are used as EditConditions, when they are set to InlineEditConditionToggle within a ...
Adding a UStaticMeshComponent pointer to a class derived from StaticMeshComponent allows for two meshes to be set by a single component. Setting two meshes inside a blueprint this way will only allo ...
If class defaults are accessed in an actor blueprint from another blueprint, texture variables will not appear in the class defaults list on the "Get Class Defaults" node. ...
When placing a Static mesh into a level that will cast a shadow and building lighting, no shadow will be shown on a character when walking through its shadow ...