When creating a new Blueprint Class based on an Actor parent, If you navigate to the Actor's event graph, and right click on the editor blank space; type "Assign on Destroyed" and select "Assign ...
HUD can cause a crash when used with Mobile. "When running from visual studio exception happens here: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/blob/4.22/Engine/Source/Runtime/Renderer/Private/Mobi ...
Numerous issues when manipulating destructibles. 1) Changing collision response pre-fracture will not affect chunks post-fracture 2) Changing collisions response pre-fracture will prevent damage f ...
A crash occurs when trying to use the Mesh Reduction tool for the ScotsPine_01 static mesh from the Open World Demo collection. The assets from this project are usually very processor heavy due to ...
This is a somewhat common crash that has affected multiple users in 4.17. User Descriptionstried to compile a blueprint after changing blueprint interface function definitions. Source Code 121 ...
Able to set default values for Sequence & Map variables for a Movie Pipeline Executor Job causing an Ensure & Crash. Repro Rate: 4/4 Tested this in //UE4/Release-4.27 @ CL#18319896 and the user is ...
ZoneShapes do not reset visuals when being de-selected and re-selected. The last piece of the zone shape to be selected will still show as selected when the shape is re-selected, but using the edito ...
Reported from this UDN: https://udn.unrealengine.com/s/question/0D5QP00000MLlco0AD/active-dtr-doesnt-render-beforedofmodulated-materials?fromCase=1 The problem is that, except in very specific circ ...
I am using the orthographic camera preview fairly extensively for making an in-engine Tiling Texture maker. This feature is currently busted since the orthographic camera preview window is rendering ...
When the node Spawn Actors from class is used with a pure input (in this case a pure function with a transform output) The result is that it get evaluated twice. In the test project provided a print ...