Atmospheric Fog cannot be toggled to hidden in the Scene Capture 2D's detail settings. All other setting will toggle correctly. ...
Using the same import settings in UE4.8 and UE4.9 will result in a different number of frames of an animation being imported from the same FBX file. If you import the same fbx animation which in M ...
When you right click on a Skeleton and select "Retarget to another Skeleton," in the subsequent "Select Skeleton" pop up Window, compatible skeletons are not visible when "Show Only Compatible Skele ...
Attempting to build the Engine using Visual Studio 2017 will fail if Visual Studio 2013 is also installed on the same computer. If Visual Studio 2013 is uninstalled, or if the computer has Visual St ...
Packaged game without IOStore never hits this error. ...
If you are using a large amount of Niagara, you will experience excessive load times in PIE even if nothing is changed. The following code change seems to be effective as an interim response. void ...
Found while writing EngineTests for [Link Removed]. Appears to work the other way around (using Exterior volume and having the sound inside and the listener outside to start). This also occurs wh ...
When diffing a blueprint against depot via the Content Browser context menu action "Revision Control > Diff Against Depot", restoring an instanced object property from the depot version results in t ...
When Niagara FX of a recording actor is spawned during taking a record, that FX behavior must be recorded and able to be playbacked. However, Niagara Component Auto Activation by BP node is not reco ...
FKConvexElem::CalcAABB was ignoring the elements currently defined transform, and only scaling. This means that any actor that has a transform (not just Merge Actors) could potentially have very dis ...