When a breakpoint is hit in a BT Task, if you attempt to use CTRL+P to search for and open the BT the task is being run in, try to resume execution, and then return to the original BT Task Blueprint ...
User claims that crash occurs when a new user joins a session and the program attempts to unmute the existing players. This only occurs if Network Replays are active. Note: No reproduction has yet ...
A crash occurs when copy and paste the ChildActorComponent, only if the template actor has a DefaultSubObject. There is no crash in the case of using Actor (eg. AActor) without a DefaultSubObject as ...
Reimporting a virtual texture results in a crash. Tested in: 4.24P2 CL#10091930 , 4.25 CL#10183780 ...
When renaming actors during PIE the actor generates a new, non memory/temporary, actor package underneath the PIE world- this is then causing checks in EnumerateMemoryAssetsHelper (in AssetRegistry. ...
Seems to be an issue with how the cooker is calling the contents of TM-ShaderModels. ...
SetHitResultFromShapeAndFaceIndex calls if(PxMaterial* PxMat = PShape->getMaterialFromInternalFaceIndex(FaceIndex)) { OutResult.PhysMaterial = FPhysxUserData::Get<UPhysicalMaterial>(PxMat->userD ...
If a Curve Float local variable is created for a function, it will be garbage collected when garbage collection occurs. This causes the process to crash due to an null pointer error whenever it is r ...