Get and Set nodes for variables from a BP's parent class will not compile without a reference to Self. Without one, the BP fails to compile with the following error: "Error Variable node Get NewVa ...
Checking the option for Allow Window Resize in Project Settings allows a the borders of a standalone window to be grabbed and used to resize the window. This does not behave the same on Linux and t ... => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fc27cf4d000) bschaefer@bschaefer-Precision-T7600:bin$ ldd ./clang => (0x00007ffceefe3000) => /lib/ ...
Screen space denoiser creates two types of artifacts: artifacts around boundary for general lighting The artifact is there before 5.2 but since the ray traced shadow denoiser denoises on the sqr() s ...
When rendering out the Buffer Visualization Targets with the HDR setting on, the resulting Scene Color EXR is rendering significantly washed out compared to the Buffer Viz. in the Editor and if comp ...
The color picker window stays open if the Eye Dropper tool selects color from anywhere other than the viewport. The color is captured in the color picker before it closes, but makes it a nightmare t ...
If the project is hot reloaded while a Switch on Enum is inside of a blueprint which is switching on a custom enum, the switch will become corrupted. It changes the 'selection' pin to take a Byte pa ...
When opening the Stack-O-Bot project in 5.0 Preview 1, the project has a rendering issue where bright shimmering lights appear all around the screen. I discovered that this is due to the PostProcess ...
While doing some extra testing of the Submix Analyser fixes, I noticed there is a setting to set the channel of the submix to give the analyser. It always works for channel 0, but changing it to any ...
Due to the changes made to subsurface profile (implementation of full resolution skin shading) it now renders white or with heavily faded base colors under certain conditions. In this case it is wh ...