When creating a new Blueprint Class based on an Actor parent, If you navigate to the Actor's event graph, and right click on the editor blank space; type "Assign on Destroyed" and select "Assign ...
Numerous issues when manipulating destructibles. 1) Changing collision response pre-fracture will not affect chunks post-fracture 2) Changing collisions response pre-fracture will prevent damage f ...
Reported from this UDN: https://udn.unrealengine.com/s/question/0D5QP00000MLlco0AD/active-dtr-doesnt-render-beforedofmodulated-materials?fromCase=1 The problem is that, except in very specific circ ...
Custom depth does not render on static meshes converted to blueprint without render custom depth option enabled. This issue does not affect objects that are added as a component to a blueprint. To w ...
Startup movies are not being copied to the Content/Movies directory within the Content Browser. This can be confusing to users as it is not editable, but still functions correctly as a startup movie ...
When using an Actor Sequence Component in an actor blueprint, the sequence will not play in Standalone. In the test, a cube was used and was increasing its scale using the sequence. When playing in ...
Calling SetOneWayInteraction on a BodyInstance has no effect within the physics engine. The state of the flag is passed in to Chaos but nothing actually uses the value once it is there. It is expe ...
libtinfo.so.5 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libtinfo.so.5 (0x00007fc27cf4d000) bschaefer@bschaefer-Precision-T7600:bin$ ldd ./clang linux-vdso.so.1 => (0x00007ffceefe3000) libpthread.so.0 => /lib/ ...
When there is a Retainer box with the visibility set to "Self Hit Test Invisible" and has children, the children cannot be interacted with. Children such as a button cannot be clicked. This issue c ...
There is an odd issue occurring when the world origin is changed, changing the world origin causes the foliage to cull in unexpectred ways. The issue can be solved by using the console command "r.Al ...