Error message: SEGV_MAPERR at 0x3a Source Context: Most recent user affected CL: 3106830 (4.13.0) Logs: [Link Removed] [Link Removed] [Link Removed] CrashReporter User Descriptions:UE4.13 immed ...
The Editor experiences performance drops even in the default basic level when left alone running. I experienced them every ~3 seconds. My graph didn't show the drops very clearly so the fps counter ...
When adding a new subfolder in the Levels window all the sublevels in that parent folder move to the new sublevel. Currently you have to create all the sub folders then move the sublevels to keep th ...
Enabled the SSR Experimental Denoiser using Vulkan causes the Engine to crash. This crash does not happen with DX11 or DX12. This happens on Linux and Windows (-vulkan). This was reported and teste ...
Setting CLion as the default IDE causes Unreal to not recognize it as a compiler. You are unable to compile C++ projects or create new ones with it set this way. This was reported and tested in 4. ...
The attached video shows the results of this bug. When two Widgets are next to each other and one of them has sliders, when the sliders are dragged past their bounds they will increment backward so ...
While enabling Ray Tracing from the start of the project, when user sets GlobalPostProcess Translucency to Ray Tracing, the back-face of the plane is not culled. However, when the translucency is se ...
See the SpinningObjectStability test map in the Physics Sandbox. [Link Removed] It's not clear if this is a bug or a side effect of some of our solver shortcuts (e.g., omission of the precession te ...
Users affected: 73 Total occurrences: 156 Last occurrence: October 22nd 2024, 9:59:58 am First occurrence: October 2nd 2024, 4:53:30 pm Latest version: ++UE5+Release-5.5-CL-36679577 Platform: Win64 ...
Error message: Assertion failed: ModuleInfo.Module.IsUnique() [Link Removed] [Line: 557] Source Context: Most recent user affected CL: Logs: See attached Issue call stack shares some similariti ...