Since UE5.0, cannot edit double variables in property matrix. In UE4.27, it worked correctly and could be edited from the property matrix. This is because double variables are not supported in SProp ...
Collision between an instanced static mesh and a physics simulating actor (with "simulation generates hits events" enabled) results in the following warning: LogChaos: Warning: Collision handler en ...
Turning on batching of sphere casts when colliding against complex gives incorrect results. Affects debug output and vehicle wheels and body movement. The issue is with the batch query mode which ...
[Image Removed] ...
From the UDN licensee: I put together a draft PR of something that should work. As I mentioned in the PR, this works as expected with one caveat; in SPinComboBox::Construct we are hardcoding the to ...
WaterBodyCustom seems not to work with Distance Culling settings on its own actor, either Draw Distance/Never Distance Cull or Allow Cull Distance Volume. It only can be controlled by the CullingD ...
The Editor Config system appears to support a hierarchy of JSON files (similarly to INI files) in three locations:Engine: "../../../Engine/Config/Editor"Project: "<PROJECT>/Config/Editor"User: "<APP ...