When scaling the viewport window using the Maximize/Minimize viewport option, the post processing effects applied to the screen do not scale properly. This issue seemed trivial at first, as the use ...
Per conversation between Gareth and Mike, it was determined the Landscape tool is in Game Mode by default. Within the Landscape Tool, all UI elements are disabled by default. This has been observed ...
This is regression from 4.10 functionality. When assigning the Android Back Button functionality in a GearVR project, the back button will now bring up the Oculus Home Screen asking if you would lik ...
On the 6S, the SunTemple scene is almost unresponsive. As the player uses the thumbsticks, the lightmaps from the windows rotate to mach the player's movement; but they are the only thing. This doe ...
Imported TTF fonts rendering unknown glyph for previously-working characters such as ' or ! or , or ?. In 4.21 the font was working as expected. User states that custom fonts should be forward-compa ...
Adding a Skel Vert/Surf Location node to a Particle Effect causes it to stop displaying particles and throws the warning "No Async Tick". Toggling Skel Vert/Surf Location off allows the Particle to ...
Newly created Level Sequence assets cant be opened when they have been created via Editor Blueprint Widget. They are created successfully through a button click for instance, but when you try to ope ...
Assertion failed: InputOboeStream != nullptr when changing levels with Android voice enabled User was able to workaround the issue by replacing Audio::FAudioCaptureAndroidStream::CloseStream() wi ...
User receives a crash at %90 during launch of a newly created project from a fresh install of 4.24.3 and 4.25. The project does not contain any plugins or additional content. Note: User is able to ...
I'm trying to import a .exr texture created in Substance Painter and exported as a 32 bit linear exr file. The texture is to be used for roughness. However, I've stumbled upon the problem that users ...