When creating a new Blueprint Class based on an Actor parent, If you navigate to the Actor's event graph, and right click on the editor blank space; type "Assign on Destroyed" and select "Assign ...
HUD can cause a crash when used with Mobile. "When running from visual studio exception happens here: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/blob/4.22/Engine/Source/Runtime/Renderer/Private/Mobi ...
When an actor that can be stood on and jumped off of is moved in a sequencer it's inherited velocity doesn't scale with the Sequence play rate. If you jump in the opposite direction the cube is goin ...
The heightmap and weightmaps were created using Terresculptor, and exported in the correct format. If you import everything except the layermaps, the landscape is generated and the layers can be pai ...
It seems that the Activate Reverb Effect node is no longer functioning when put behind a Delay node. In the test project, there is an empty actor with a Event Begin Play connected to a Delay node wh ...
When adding multiple Hierarchical Instanced Static Meshes on a loop and packaging the project in Shipping configuration the application crashes due to LowLevelFatalError [Link Removed] [Line: 1431] ...
Numerous issues when manipulating destructibles. 1) Changing collision response pre-fracture will not affect chunks post-fracture 2) Changing collisions response pre-fracture will prevent damage f ...
A crash occurs when trying to use the Mesh Reduction tool for the ScotsPine_01 static mesh from the Open World Demo collection. The assets from this project are usually very processor heavy due to ...
This is a somewhat common crash that has affected multiple users in 4.17. User Descriptionstried to compile a blueprint after changing blueprint interface function definitions. Source Code 121 ...
When loading a Soft Object and directly placing the loaded Object into a Blackboard, after about 2 minutes the Object will unload and become null inside the Blackboard. This issue only occurs in a p ...