Add Movement Input does not work on any pawn that is not controlled by the player. Note: this worked in 4.7.6 and earlier. Test project attached. In it, the Player Controller controlled by the acti ...
Changing the name of a variable that references a Blackboard Key inside a Task removes the Key reference inside the Task's node in the Behavior Tree. Clicking on the Behavior Tree's Task node that r ...
When the user name on Windows is set to cyrillic importing APEX cloth assets will fail. I'm not sure what other systems this may also affect, but adding a cloth apb asset to a skeletal mesh will cau ...
Crash using Import Commandlet on FBX that gets "Bones are too small" error when imported manually Error from manual import: Warning The bone size is too small to create Physics Asset 'ButterflyVa ...
This is a common crash affecting users in 4.16. Users have not provided additional information. Source Context// Set the parent index, ifthis export represents a UStruct-derived object 4589 ...
The Pick New sprite option becomes unavailable if you change the view options to either tile or column when working with the keyframes of a 2D animation. This issue affects the project indefinitely ...
Updating a procedural mesh results in an incomplete collision update. Collision bounds appear to get updated properly, but collision data is not updated, despite a navigation rebuild being triggered ...
DESCRIPTION: When using instanced static mesh component in a blueprint that has LODs the normal distances for LODs are not reflected for the instanced static mesh component. AH Post: https://answe ...
When using an Actor Sequence Component in an actor blueprint, the sequence will not play in Standalone. In the test, a cube was used and was increasing its scale using the sequence. When playing in ...
Calling SetOneWayInteraction on a BodyInstance has no effect within the physics engine. The state of the flag is passed in to Chaos but nothing actually uses the value once it is there. It is expe ...