Stationary/Movable Lights render based on distance from World Origin in Orthographic Camera View

UE - Graphics Features - May 20, 2016

When using the Orthographic Camera view (such as that used with the Paper2D Template) any lights that are distant from the world origin will start to fade out as if they are being culled. The distan ...

Updating a meshes UCX collision in an FBX will not reimport with the updated collision if it's been removed

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jan 14, 2015

DESCRIPTION: When making a mesh with custom collision with the naming convention of UCX and exporting the FBX for use in UE4 the collision will import and update if any changes are made and reimport ...

Unexpected behavior from moving multiple widget components with render transform

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 10, 2017

Unexpected behavior occurs from moving multiple widget components with render transform applied to them. The individual components seem to change relative position or rotation when being clicked and ...

Unable to select foliage by left clicking after 1.5 k foliage meshes placed

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Aug 28, 2017

When using the foliage tool, once the mesh count reaches around 1.5k and higher you will be unable to select individual meshes by using the mouse. The lasso tool and the select all tool work as inte ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_GraphEditor!SGraphPin::GetTooltipText() [sgraphpin.cpp:1100]

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Sep 7, 2017

This is a common crash that has affected over 60 users since at least 4.16 User DescriptionsDeleted a SET variable Source Context 1091 FText SGraphPin::GetTooltipText() const 1092 { ...

Possession is not replicated properly to some clients

UE - Networking - Nov 8, 2018

A user has reported an issue where Possession replication or Character Movement replication, unsure of which, is not working properly for some clients. It seems to work fine for the first client but ...

NormalizePackageNames() should interpret 'exclude developer folders' to also exclude packages in ExternalActors and ExternalObjects

UE - CoreTech - Oct 14, 2022

In NormalizePackageNames() (PackageUtilities.cpp), there is a PackageFilter parameter, which can be set to exclude developer packages (NORMALIZE_ExcludeDeveloperPackages). The code only checks the b ...

Editor FPS has significant drop when moving a BSP brush in level with multiple BSPs

UE - AI - Navigation - Jan 8, 2025

Editor performance plummets when moving BSP brushes in a level with several other BSP brushes present. Navmesh regeneration is the main cause as the full bounds for all BSP are used to determine whi ...

LIVE: Setting sg.EffectsQuality between values will reset Destructible meshes if they have fractured

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Nov 14, 2014

DESCRIPTION: Using the command line sg.EffectsQuality and setting a value will reset a destructible mesh if it has already been fractured. AH Post: ...

USplineComponent::GetDistanceAlongSplineAtSplineInputKey returns incorrect result when input keys are not sequential

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - May 18, 2022

USplineComponent::GetDistanceAlongSplineAtInputKey() returns the wrong value when the input keys are not sequential because it interprets the input key argument as the spline point index. Thus if th ...