When Ribbon Data in a particles system that is following is scaled in an instance the ribbons scale appropriately, but they don't follow updated location of their source particles. See the attached ...
Regression: In UE4.10, the border that now occurs around New Editor Window causes window to extend beyond native screen resolution designated in Editor Preferences causing the window to 1) Not be ce ...
In Split-Screen, with "r.Lumen.Reflections.DownsampleFactor" set to 2, it is possible to have vertical colored artifacts on View 1 (the second view). The Licensee reported the artifact occurred on ...
The AND node always calculates all inputs, even if the first input fails as False. Probably related to [Link Removed] (currently unresolved, but a Select node-specific fix is mentioned in the comme ...
BRANCH: MAIN CHANGELIST: 2374441 PLATFORM: Windows DESCRIPTION: The functionality to use the hotkey to deselect an object in the viewport using the ESC key no longer works in 4.7 without first sel ...
Android client is unable to join a VOIP Hosted Session. The following messaging occurs when the Client tries to join a found session on Android:LogInit: BSD_Android: I am localhost ( L ...
I could not repro their issue in main. They supposedly recently upgraded to 4.5. I was wondering if you could divide an conquer, and figure out when we fixed this. **EDIT** Was able to repro in mai ...
This comes from this UDN : [Link Removed] It occurs with this setup : [Image Removed] , where Set Material Attributes expressions act as inputs to the Landscape Layer Blend material expression. ...
This is the copy buffer (it contains multiline strings): ((SectionName_10_AD815C6B40E1AA91C8FB72B006CB648A="TeamScreen_Overview",TipHeader_8_0A891281438C7AD03199038A729ACC18="Heroes",TipBody_9_C20B ...
When Vertex Animated Texture is used to animate a mesh with World Position Offset, often the Max World Position Offset Displacement Material setting must be increased or the Bounds Scale increased, ...