'r.StaticMeshLODDistanceScale' doesn't effect 'show LODColoration'. It does effect the actual performance of the LOD in the level but the LOD Coloration doesn't reflect the change. Licensee Descrip ...
If an Arrow component's size is set in the construction script via the "Arrow Size" node it will be set correctly upon compile. However, if the actor is moved in the scene the size of the arrow will ...
When the viewport Surface Snapping window has focus and text is entered, it will use the text as search keywords. When the window is closed, the text is not cleared the next time the window is open ...
There also does not appear to be any code to handle r.ForceLOD for HISMs. ...
RenderDoc plugin settings will be reset on project restart. Saved\Config\Windows\RenderDocPlugin.ini does get created, but values from the ini file do not seem to get loaded. ...
The following errors occur when the user quits a Launch On session from the editor:LogPlayLevel: QAGame: [2017.06.20-16.26.03:085][292]LogScriptCore: Error: Script Msg: A null object was passed as a ...
There is a crash occurring with a packaged game that has a Struct containing an Enum inside of it, as well as having the nativization on, the issue does not occur if Nativization is turned off. The ...
Editor session crashes applying Built Lighting in a level containing Static Foliage. Note: this crash does not occur if the Instanced Foliage Mesh has mobility set to "Movable" within the Foliage D ...