When we play in editor with the Play Net Mode set to Play as Client, a hidden dedicated server is launched. Previously in 4.24 the dedicated server would always launch with a visible command window. ...
This is a common crash that has occurred since at least 4.15 and affected more than 100 users. The callstack shares some similarities to [Link Removed], which was not resolved. User DescriptionsGo ...
When using "Get Supported Fullscreen Resolutions" on UE when built with Vulkan, no values are printed out. This is an issue with any platform that builds UE with -vulkan, not just Linux. In Engine ...
Although the Details Panel shows the degrees wrong, the object seems to have done it's rotation correctly but not in the right degrees. It will rotate to the position specified but it goes the wrong ...
This is a common crash affecting users in 4.16, and has occurred since at least 4.14. User DescriptionsI was copying and pasting a Geometry Box and then the client just crashed.I was trying some st ...
When using a material with a translucent blend mode, you can not use the lighting modes "Volumetric PerVertex NonDirectional", or "Volumetric PerVertex Directional" and the Tessellation settings "PN ...
In the attached example, the third person mannequin character's BeginPlay() runs an Ability_Task which starts an animation montage. In the task it is specified that the blend out time (BlendOutTime ...
When previewing an object, manually changing the rotation using the Lighting Rig Rotation rotates Environment Map and Directional Light in opposite directions. This bug makes it difficult to do look ...
When the function UDataTableFunctionLibrary::FillDataTableFromCSVString() is used from Editor Utility Blueprints or Python Scripts, and the contents of the affected Data Table are currently being vi ...
Description: In Unreal Engine 5.4, when recording camera movements using the Take Recorder with the "Record Sources Into Sub Sequences" option turned off, significant viewport freezing and performan ...