After the timeline exceeds the sequence, the Material on the image reverts to default Red. This does not happen to the color on the font however. This does Not happen in Main and in 4.16.1 therefo ...
When disabling/enabling tick at runtime, if (TickInterval == 0) then DeltaTime returns as the length of a frame, but if (TickInterval > 0) DeltaTime returns as the length between when tick was disab ...
With "Use Default Sample Rate" disabled, animations under 30fps get resampled to 30fps ...
User can still close the game window when the "Allow close" option is set to false. When unchecking similar options (such as allow maximize) the buttons are no longer available. ...
Reaching max Pitch and Yaw while piloting an actor will cause the actor to roll randomly User Description: When pointing my view straight down or up the rotation values (x and z) go wild, this mak ...
Open Level node does not open the correct level in Packaged game. Instead of loading the level named in the node, the node will just open the current level. This issue can cause problems with Matine ...
This crash was previously being tracked in [Link Removed] with a generic "Assertion failed: ModuleInfo.Module.IsUnique()" error message. Ben.M updated that with CL 3376654 and commented: "This cou ...
Software cursor will not go beyond the native resolution of the monitor. This means that if the resolution for the game window is set to a resolution higher than the native resolution of the monitor ...
When a component delegate is called in a blueprint as an event, changing levels causes the delegate to loose binding and not be called. ...
Emitter Initial Location (EIL)module will cause the emitter with the module to follow whatever other emitter is set. If the emitter being followed has an Orbit module, the first emitter does not fo ...