If any SlowTask is canceled by the Editor's user, and later on the "Find in Blueprints" dialog is opened and needs to perform its async indexing task, the Editor crashes on thread FAsyncSearchIndexT ...
Consider a C++/BP class containing an EditAnywhere/InstanceEditable variable with type (UDataAsset*), (UPrimaryDataAsset*), or any of their subclasses. When setting this variable using a Property Ed ...
Triggering an actor component recompilation resets all the variables to the default state on spawned actors in the level. Users can unintentionally lose property settings on placed actors in a worl ...
Class UBlueprintAsyncActionBase provides methods RegisterWithGameInstance() and SetReadyToDestroy(), which respectively register and unregister the object with the game instance. Derived class UCanc ...
Child blueprints of a blueprint of a native actor class with sparse data can have an incorrectly null SparseClassDataStruct value, and thus fail to initialzie their SparseClassData. This affects edi ...
The TextExportTransient can be specified as a property flag and object flag. Behavior is inconsistent: there are many ways in which an object marked TextExportTransient can still be part of the text ...
Blueprints might get into a corrupted state when they are inherited for a big number of times. Starting from a C++ class, if you then create a BlueprintClass from the C++ class, and keep creating ne ...
This behavior was not observed up to UE 4.19, but it can be reproduced in all versions from 4.20 to 5.4. When a "Literal Enum" node is used inside a blueprint and an enumeration value is chosen fro ...
When a world partition level (but streaming disabled) is placed as a LevelInstance in another world partition level, actors in the inner level are cooked with an outdated component hierarchy until t ...