If users retarget a montage that is referenced by a pose search database, the reference in the PSD is wrongly changed to reference the new montage. This means any users that use montages with motio ...
Certain asset types that are displayed in the Retarget Animation window are not displayed within the asset browser in the IK Retarget editor ...
This issue occurs only on Windows 11 24H2, but it affects all RealityCapture versions on this OS. It is allso not possible to open the images with the Windows Photos App. ...
Additive animations that use a frame from their own sequence as a base pose are initially broken when retargeted. Users have to refresh the properties that select the base pose in order to fix the ...
EA Motive has pointed out a potential bug they found related task graph synchronization and when compiling compute PSOs: [Link Removed]. From the screenshot they sent over, it seems that a task grap ...
When a groom is allowed to simulate, only the strand representation computes correct world normals for the new hair strand positions. This is especially noticeable when the groom is inverted as grav ...
When adding a Uniform Buffer Struct that has one 4x4 matrix to a mesh pass, validation will fail, due to a Uniform Buffer Struct mismatch. This can be reproduced by adding a mesh pass in project-si ...
FRHIMemoryPool will leak data when it is destroyed. "FRHIMemoryPool::Init()" will create "FRHIMemoryPool::DesiredAllocationPoolSize" new "FRHIPoolAllocationData" objects, stored in "FRHIMemoryPool: ...
FCableSceneProxy::BuildCableMesh in CableComponent.cpp:233 showed up as a hot spot in profiling because the two TArray allocators in SetDynamicData_RenderThread used by BuildCableMesh are created an ...
When Vertex Animated Texture is used to animate a mesh with World Position Offset, often the Max World Position Offset Displacement Material setting must be increased or the Bounds Scale increased, ...