StreamableManager completion callback can happen after being canceled in same frame

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 16, 2024

FStreamableHandle (used as part of the FStreamableManager system) has a CancelHandle function that stops it from calling any completion callbacks related to that handle (it could cancel the load req ...

MoviePlayer loading screen with FLoadingScreenAttributes::bAllowEngineTick results in high DeltaSeconds tick post-playback

UE - Gameplay - Feb 16, 2024

IGameMoviePlayer playback of a movie during loading screen lets you set bAllowEngineTick  = true as a parameter. This will make FDefaultGameMoviePlayer manually tick the engine: if (GEngine && bAll ...

UNetDriver server-side hitch results in ActorInfo->NextUpdateTime far into future

UE - Networking - Feb 16, 2024

A high UWorld::Tick DeltaSeconds (i.e. GameThread hitch) results in a high UNetDriver::TickFlush DeltaSeconds. This DeltaSeconds can high (many seconds) if the hitch is long. This value then affects ...

In Editor, Blueprint resources are not freed up when the Blueprint is closed

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 16, 2024

It appears that the preview scene used to render thumbnails is not destroyed after a thumbnail is rendered, even after the blueprint editor is closed and GC is run. Also found in Release-5.4, CL: 31 ...

RemoteRole of local pawn on a listen server is ROLE_AutonomousProxy

UE - Networking - Feb 15, 2024

This issue was previously reported at [Link Removed], but it seems to have regressed due to the change at CL 23357753. GetNetMode is correctly returning NM_ListenServer, but APawn::PossessedBy now c ...

USplineComponent::GetSplinePointAt() returns FSplinePoint with incorrect Type

UE - Gameplay - Components - Feb 15, 2024

USplineComponent::GetSplinePointAt() returns an FSplinePoint with the ESplinePointType 'CurveCustomTangent' rather than the type from the setup.Expected: It should return the correct type. ...

Components added in Blueprint that want initialisation are not maintained by RerunConstructionScripts

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 14, 2024

When a native component that wants initialisation is added to a Blueprint actor in the Blueprint editor, the initialisation state of this component will not be correctly preserved by RerunConstructi ...

Create a "Input Device User Mapping Schema" of some kind for PC

UE - Gameplay - Input - Feb 13, 2024

When you are playing a game on PC (especially local multiplayer) many developers want to change how input devices are "mapped" to different players. For example, a single player game might want the ...