Print String on Event Tick not working as expected with Cinematic Camera Actor in Blueprint

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 29, 2016

Print String does not persist when called on Event Tick within a Cinematic Camera Actor Blueprint. This could be problematic if users have a cinematic camera in their blueprints and using Event Tic ...

Sequencer in packaged VR project does not appear to work when using sequence player on begin play

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 27, 2016

Sequencer in packaged VR project does not appear to work when using sequence player on begin play. The HMD no longer appears to be affected by sequencer after the project has been packaged out ...

ComponentVelocity is not set for attached objects moved by Sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 22, 2016

A licensee has reported that actors moved by sequencer will not update their ComponentVelocity. This is inconsistent with Matinee, where we update ComponentVelocity in UInterpTrackMove::UpdateTrack. ...

Cannot stop/pause audio tracks in UMG animations

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 20, 2016

Users cannot stop/pause audio tracks in UMG animations. The sound track cannot be manipulated using the animation nodes given in UMG ...

Discrepancy between cuts for Camera Cut track and Shot/SubScene tracks

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 15, 2016

Discrepancy between the specific frame cuts on Camera Cut track and Shot/SubScene tracks. NOTE: This ONLY occurs when scrubbing in the sequence editor. Works as expected in game and renders. If ...

Shots have little visible indication when they are overlapping

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 15, 2016

Shots have little visible indication when they are overlapping. This can cause some visual confusion as to why events and spawnables from a shot that looks like it should end are still triggering ...

Spawnable actors visible for one extra frame on cut between subsequences

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 14, 2016

Spawnable actors visible for one extra frame on cut between subsequences ...

If Visible is off in actor details by default, Visibility track in Sequencer doesn't work in game

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 8, 2016

If Visible is off in actor details by default, Visibility track in Sequencer doesn't work in game. It appears to work when you hit play in the Sequencer Editor, but doesn't work in game. ...

User confusion over Visibility/Hidden in Game track

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 6, 2016

User confusion over Visibility/Hidden in Game track. We're running into some issues where it's only switching Hidden in Game when you Play, which essentially does nothing with lights, among other p ...

Incorrect translation from matinee move sub tracks to sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 6, 2016 ...