World Memory Leak crash creating new level blueprint after editing sub level blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Jan 27, 2020

Crash occurs when the user adds a sublevel to the current level, edits the sublevel's level blueprint, and then attempts to make a new level. The state which triggers the crash seems to be when the ...

Child Animation Blueprints Do Not Get Recompiled Correctly

UE - Gameplay - Jan 7, 2020

The child of an animation blueprint is not properly recompiled when the it's parent is compiled. Found in 4.24.1 CL#10757647 ...

Initial overlaps aren't populated by BeginPlay

UE - Gameplay - Dec 18, 2019

Get overlapping components/actors is not fully populated with initial overlaps by BeginPlay in 4.24, like they were in 4.23 ...

Action Rpg Sample Creating a new GameplayCue handler crashes the editor in 4.24

UE - Gameplay - Dec 17, 2019

In Action Rpg sample, creating a new Blueprint of type GameplayCueNotifyActor or GameplayCueNotifyStatic, results in an Engine crash. The call stack leads to a PrintF Slate warning message that woul ...

WildCard Inputs/Outputs Propogate Incorrectly in Macros

UE - Gameplay - Dec 13, 2019

When a macro takes in a two Wildcard inputs and two Wildcard outputs connecting a variable to one assigns the value of all the outputs even if they don't connect (check attached image). You can see ...

Wildcard Maps Inputs/Outputs Propogate Incorrectly in Macros

UE - Gameplay - Dec 13, 2019

When a macro takes in a Map <Wildcard, Wildcard> if the output is the element in the map it is the same type value of as the key. You can see see a quick demonstration at [Link Removed]. This seems ...

New key value pairs added to a data table are not able to be found until the project is reloaded

UE - Gameplay - Dec 13, 2019

Adding a new key to a dataTable deriving from c++ will not be found until the entire project is reloaded. Download link to test project: ...

Gameplay Tag Query Variables Don't Retain Custom Default Values in Custom Structs

UE - Gameplay - Dec 4, 2019

Gameplay Tag Query variables in custom structs created via the content browser do not retain custom default values. Found in 4.23.1 CL# 9631420 Reproduced in 4.24 Preview 4 CL3# 10387632, 4.25 Main ...

Unwanted black boundaries are displayed in a vertical split-screen with 3 players.

UE - Gameplay - Dec 2, 2019

Floating point error from UGameViewportClient::SplitscreenInfo causes this issue. FMath::TruncToInt( 3240 /*ViewportSize*/ * 0.333f/*Ratio in SplitScreenInfo*/ ) = 1079 I suggested a following t ...

The Find Node Can Crash on Compile After a Blueprint Compile Error

UE - Gameplay - Nov 21, 2019

The "Find" node can cause a crash if the a map with a struct value changes type while connected, is disconnected and reconnected. Compilation fails and crashes the engine. Found in 4.23.1 CL#963142 ...