Make Lidar Point Cloud Point Node has had the Location input change from a Vector to a Vector 3f

UE - Gameplay - Oct 12, 2022

Tested in: //UE4/Release-4.27 CL 18319896 Input pin was of type Vector //UE5/Release-5.0 CL 20979098 Input pin was of type Vector 3f //UE5/Release-5.1 CL 22346211 Input pin was of type Vector 3f Th ...

AdditionalServerGameOptions not applied to dedicated servers

UE - Gameplay - Oct 7, 2022

AdditionalServerGameOptions are only applied in UEditorEngine::LaunchNewProcess if the instance is a listen server, with these options being ignored for dedicated servers. Additionally, AdditionalSe ...

Changing Asset Manager settings breaks game feature scan directories

UE - Gameplay - Sep 29, 2022

The asset manager is used to scan directories on disk for different Primary Assets that can then be loaded on demand. Game feature plugins support the ability to add additional scan directories when ...

Returning the value of a Transform as a String has a missing colon after Scale

UE - Gameplay - Sep 26, 2022

This is NOT a regression. Tested In //UE4/Release-4.27 at CL18319896 Printing an actor's transform as a string returns transform and rotation with a colon, but returns scale without. ...

When the default values of Instanced variables are changed in Blueprint, the variables of actors on the level don't follow the default values

UE - Gameplay - Sep 20, 2022

When the default value of an Instanced variable defined in C++ is changed, it is not reflected in the default value of an Actor placed on a Level. In the reproduction procedure, when the default v ...

Game feature plugins load plugin config files incorrectly

UE - Gameplay - Sep 9, 2022

Game feature plugins load config files in a different way than normal plugins, which is confusing and can lead to broken behavior unless the developer knows about these issues ahead of time. The loa ...

Diff against Workspace/Diff against Previous version doesn't work with OFPA actors

UE - Gameplay - Aug 30, 2022

UDN reporting this: [Link Removed] ...

[UDN 00456011] Actors attached to a static mesh socket inside a blueprint actor not updating when the mesh is moved.

UE - Gameplay - Aug 17, 2022

Lots more info in UDN ticket: [Link Removed] TLDR is that if a construction script moves a child component with an attachment point, it's attached actors don't follow. This causes editor tools to n ...

Adding a variable to a Structure after packaging then repackaging causes the package to fail

UE - Gameplay - Aug 12, 2022

This is not a regression. Tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL18319896 Adding a variable to a Structure after packaging then repackaging causes the package to fail. ...

ModularGameplay and other runtime plugins have wrong LoadingPhase

UE - Gameplay - Jun 30, 2022

Plugins that provide blueprint-accessible libraries generally need to be set the PreDefault LoadingPhase so they can be properly loaded before game-specific data that loads early in the Default load ...