Seamless travel is preventing Server Travel

UE - Gameplay - May 10, 2021

Seamless travel seems to not be functioning properly.  With Run Under One Process set to false and Seamless travel enabled, the ServerTravel command is not bringing the server to the specified map.  ...

Force Feeback Attenuation assets can't be created in the editor

UE - Gameplay - Apr 22, 2021

ForceFeedback Attenuation assets aren't an option because they are filtered out of the list  in UAssetToolsImpl::IsAssetClassSupported. This happens because there isn't a valid AssetTypeActions clas ...

An array of structures variable has its values reset when the structure is modified without recompiling the blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Apr 2, 2021

An array of a structure that has been modified without the array's blueprint being complied results in the values of the array element being reset. Compiling each blueprint that has the array of str ...

Loading a blueprint with an invalid gameplay tag container pin causes ensure and data loss

UE - Gameplay - Feb 23, 2021

The gameplay tag system depends on tags being registered with the global manager as valid in order to correctly read them off disk. Two different issues are combining to cause a confusing ensure and ...

Update warning in FActiveGameplayEffectsContainer::ApplyModToAttribute to consider batching

UE - Gameplay - Feb 19, 2021

The ModcallbackData won't be consumed while applying stacked Gameplay Effects if the updates are being batched. This triggers a false warning in FActiveGameplayEffectsContainer::ApplyModToAttribute. ...

Selecting multiple actors with differing DataTableHandles causes data loss

UE - Gameplay - Jan 4, 2021

The data table customization (and probably others) tries to aggressively clear out row references that are not valid in the table they point to. This breaks when selecting multiple actors or objects ...

Array references are not recognized in Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Oct 12, 2020

Link to test project: [Link Removed] In BP_MyPlayerController event graph, “T” is bound to a Blueprint function called “BPSetMyArrayElement0To5”. “BPSetMyArrayElement0To5” calls the C++ function ...

Undo function breaks local variables in Blueprint Function after compiling

UE - Gameplay - Oct 8, 2020

Blueprint functions appear to correctly associate local variables when renaming the function. However when undoing a rename with ctrl-z the local variables appear to lose their association. Redoing ...

Dynamic Delegate for Actor doesn't show up in BP Editor

UE - Gameplay - Sep 21, 2020

The delegates for actor should show up in the Detail tab like components. There should be an "Event" group and list all available delegates, and designers can click on the "+" sign to add event on t ...

Can not output the log that is "Category=LogActor, Verbosity=log"

UE - Gameplay - Sep 16, 2020

The LogActor is set to "CompileTimeVerbosity=Warning", so it cannot output more than the "Warning" level. ENGINE_API DECLARE_LOG_CATEGORY_EXTERN(LogActor, Log, Warning); Suggest the following  ...