setting Simulate Physics and Set Actor Location And Rotation in code causes crash on project load

UE - Gameplay - Feb 19, 2015

If an actor's Simulate Physics and ActorLocation/Rotation properties are set in code the editor will crash immediately upon launch / debug in VS. ...

The size of packaged projects in 4.7 preview 8 is almost double that of the same project in 4.6.1

UE - Gameplay - Feb 17, 2015

Packaged projects in 4.7 preview 8 are significantly larger than the same projects in 4.6. Packaged projects for comparison: \\\root\contractors\Tim.Lincoln\Packaged Projects ...

Clear Timer node does not stop a looping timer

UE - Gameplay - Feb 16, 2015

Setting a Clear Timer node does not stop the named function from firing. ...

Access None with Event Hit to get Physical Material type

UE - Gameplay - Feb 13, 2015

When trying to get a hit result from physical material using a event hit node there will be a access none error caused in the log. This is the exact error presented: Error Accessed None 'CallFunc_B ...

Behavior Tree "Resume" button does not match other resume buttons in editor

UE - Gameplay - Feb 12, 2015

Resume button in Behavior Trees is a different image than the resume button in other parts of the editor. ...

Game Instance being initialized twice in Android build

UE - Gameplay - Feb 11, 2015

When a project with a C++ custom game instance is packaged for Android, the game mode is initialized twice from different paths. Device log files attached ...

Cannot set the Rotation value of an Instance Static Mesh component if the scale is set to zero

UE - Gameplay - Feb 3, 2015

Cannot set the Rotation value of an Instance Static Mesh component if the scale is set to zero. This can be done with StaticMesh components and standard Static Meshes in the level. ...

Users custom AI-heavy project crashes if anything is Built

UE - Gameplay - Feb 2, 2015

Users custom AI project crashes if anything is Built. (All, Lighting, Geometry, etc.) The project can be played but receives a message during play that the Navmesh needs to be rebuilt. ...

Line Trace's chained together into a ricochet do not work on all normal directions

UE - Gameplay - Jan 27, 2015

Line Trace's chained together into a ricochet do not work on all normal directions. They seem to fire inside of the object. The blueprint setup in screenshot #2 is in the MyCharacter bp. ...

Setting character animation in parent BP and mesh in child BP does not play the animation in a packaged game

UE - Gameplay - Jan 21, 2015

When a child BP is used to with a skeletal mesh to play an animation set in the parent, the animation will play in editor and in standalone but will not play in a packaged game. ...