Compile on load crashes for classes within an abstract class

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Feb 20, 2021

When compiling on load in -game, a blueprint class that inherits from a native class that is marked within and the class that it is within is abstract, a crash will occur when FBlueprintCompilationM ...

Reparenting creates incorrect ICH nodes

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Feb 20, 2021

In FBlueprintEditor::ReparentBlueprint_NewParentChosen FBlueprintEditorUtils::MarkBlueprintAsModified is called before calling Compile. As a result SCS nodes, including ICH nodes, are created for th ...

BP compiler crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Nov 24, 2020

The crash can be reproduced on the 4.26P7 or the Release4.26 stream. Following the repro steps will result in hitting the following assert: Assertion failed: !HasAnyFlags(RF_NeedLoad|RF_NeedPostLo ...

Add and Renaming collapsed graphs in functions breaks refs to local vars

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Nov 6, 2020

When creating a class (of any kind i.e. an actor), when a collapsed graph is compiled the ref breaks when adding or renaming the graph. ...

Persistent note on custom event when param is created from connecting array - "No value will be returned by reference"

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Sep 10, 2020

If the user creates an array parameter on a custom event node by connecting a pin to it, a persistent node will appear on the node that cannot be cleared. This only occurs if the param is created b ...

Nativizing a blueprint interface using TMap/TSet causes Fatal error in UHT

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Sep 9, 2020

FPropertyBase constructor does not handle a TMap/TSet property. Following workaround can avoid this error. explicit FPropertyBase(FProperty* Property) : PropertyExportFlags(PROPEXPORT_Public) ...

Cast enum to byte could occasionally break cook/resave in level BP

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Aug 27, 2020

 Workaround:The blueprint macro had a cast from the enum to an int and that was causing the issue, getting rid of the cast and just returning the enum and then changing all the places that were usin ...

Crash when creating nested child actors

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Aug 18, 2020

Setting the root of the furthest child actor results in a crash after pressing compile on the blueprint. Example project: [Link Removed] ...

Error: FAsyncPackage::LoadImports for <some asset>: Skipping import PaperTileMap /Script/Paper2D.Default__PaperTileMapActor:RenderComponent.PaperTileMap_0, depends on missing native class

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Jun 30, 2020

User reporting seeing this error start appearing in 4.25.1 (possibly 4.25.x, unsure if they were previously testing on 4.25.0 or not). It appears 'benign' as the expected data still gets loaded, bu ...

Native Component bound events do not throw an error when they are removed from a component

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Jun 25, 2020

This is related to the previous issue where if you deleted a component than there would be no errors ([Link Removed]), but instead of the component itself being deleted, the delegate has.  The er ...