Hierarchical LODs used with Precomputed Visibility cause actors to occlude that should not behind translucent materials

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 6, 2016

When using Precomputed Visibility in conjunction with HLODs and translucent materials without them culling actors occluded by the translucent material. The example gif attached shows that the base ...

Failed Import for Spline Component Error Appears on Restarting Level

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 5, 2016

When creating and declaring a Spline Component in code, placing an instance of a blueprint derived from that class in the level causes a failed import message to appear upon restarting the level. ...

Locale is not auto-detected correctly for French or German Windows 7

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Jun 30, 2016

Reports that a UE4 project launched on French or German Windows 7 is not automatically correctly setting the culture from the OS' setting. Can probably install French or German support for a copy o ...

Crash Occurs When Clicking Off of Color Picker in Data Table

Tools - Jun 29, 2016

When using an FLinearColor variable in a data table and editing it using the color picker, clicking anywhere off of the color picker window will cause the editor to crash. Error Message: Assertio ...

Avoidance Groups Not Being Properly Set

UE - AI - Jun 29, 2016

Setting the avoidance group using the Set Avoidance Group node does not set the value of the group selected to true inside of the Avoidance Group struct. ...

Using Native iOS UIViewController+UIWebView causes crash

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 28, 2016

Using Native iOS UIViewController+UIWebView causes a crash when the virtual keyboard is opened and closed rapidly, or in general usage. This is just one reproduction case. User provided pictures of ...

User-Defined Variables Reset to Null When Not Marked as Editable

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 28, 2016

When running the construction script of an actor blueprint, user-defined variables are reset to NULL each time the script is run. This seems inconsistent, as if the variables are set to Expose on S ...

Crash in FNetGUIDCache::GetObjectFromNetGUID()

UE - Networking - Jun 28, 2016

This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Error message: Assertion failed: Package->IsFullyLoaded() [Link Removed] [Line: 2296] Source ...

Inputs on Find Item Node Can be Connected to Executions

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 27, 2016

When using a Find Item node to search for something in an array, you are able to connect execution pins to the node, which then changes it to require an array of execs as an input. ...

Using "Play Animation" node, if current animation has a looping timed particle it will continue playing

OLD - Anim - Jun 24, 2016

Calling "Play Animation", if current animation has a looping timed particle it will continue playing ...