Ensure condition failed: Play an animation in the finished animation event called from UUserWidget::StopAllAnimation

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Dec 1, 2020

If a widget has playing animation node in finished animation event, calling StopAllAnimations appends a new UMGSequncePlayer to ActiveSequencePlayers array during array iteration and cause ensure co ...

References to Data Assets that inherit from Blueprints may be broken during reinstancing

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 30, 2020

It is possible to create new Data Asset instances in the editor that inherit from a blueprint-defined subclass of UDataAsset. This flow is not very well supported, and generally it is safer to just ...

Using Do Not Create Material in FBX import settings seems to result in only one Material Slot

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Nov 30, 2020

The licensee reported the following on this issue. The problem seems to be that the comparison below is not working properly. If the Material is not created, it will be a comparison between WorldGr ...

Skeletal mesh reduction - Material settings are lost when regenerating the LOD in a mesh with a reduced material section

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Nov 25, 2020

Following code fixes this issue in FQuadricSkeletalMeshReduction::ReduceSkeletalMesh Section.ChunkedParentSectionIndex = bIsChunkedSection ? CurrentParentSectionIndex : INDEX_NONE; // ...

Editor Utility Widget - 'Fill Data Table from JSON string' node parsing error

Tools - Nov 24, 2020

Issue also occurs in 4.25 therefore not a regression. Original issue was submitted by a user 'Fill Data Table from csv string' node does work though The following is a snippet of the error output ...

When set the current language and asset group to different languages, the asset group will not work

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Nov 22, 2020

When set the current asset group language in a particular process, the asset refers to the "source asset" and output warning log. LogPackageLocalizationCache: Warning: Skipping the cache update for ...

Output warning log when import .paper2dsprites file

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Nov 21, 2020

When import .paper2dsprites file, always output warning log. It seems missmatch URL TexturePackerPrefix and AppName with metadata. - PaperJsonSpriteSheetImporter.cpp const FString TexturePacke ...

Static shape components need to have Dynamic Obstacle set to actually use Area Class

UE - AI - Navigation - Nov 17, 2020

Many licensees like to use ShapeComponents as blocking volumes instead of proper volumes, as they can be more easily placed and sized in the editor. The docs and code make it sound like it is possib ...

Network profiler can report sent RPCs despite a null ViewTarget preventing the send

UE - Networking - Nov 17, 2020

Due to the hard-coded 1.5 second timeout for clients in UNetDriver:if ( OwningActor != NULL && Connection->State == USOCK_Open && ( Connection->Driver->GetElapsedTime() - Connection->LastReceiveTime ...

When setting in PreviewGameLaunguage, the package application always adds "culture" to the argument

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Nov 12, 2020

Whenever packaging project from Launcher with a PreviewGameLanguage set, the culture="preview language" is added to the UE4CommandLine.txt file. Can avoid this issue by setting "None" in PreviewGam ...