The Get node for the float value of Custom Axis Mappings only return 0.0 when called from Blueprints other than the Controller

UE - Gameplay - Input - Dec 3, 2014

The Get node for the float value of Custom Axis Mappings only returns 0.0 when called from Blueprints other than the Controller. Input from the player does not affect the value. Note: this works a ...

Advanced Vechicle Template throws warning about no default skeleton when opening the physics asset

Docs - Samples - Dec 3, 2014

DESCRIPTION: If you try to open the physics asset for the Advanced Vehicle template will throw a warning that the physics asset has no default skeleton and that it will be replaced with the default ...

Ragdoll replication on server side is not replicated correctly on client

UE - Networking - Dec 2, 2014

Ragdoll replication on server side is not replicated correctly on client. The client will see the server players ragdoll dissappear and reappear at the 0,0,0 origin point. AnswerHub Posts: https: ...

GPU Particles will not Rotate based on a negative Int Rotation Rate Value

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 1, 2014

GPU Particles will not rotate based on a negative input from a uniform distribution via Initial Rotation Rate ...

Adding a code class derived from AnimInstance to a project created using the code Vehicle template will cause the Visual Studio build to fail.

UE - Gameplay - Dec 1, 2014

Adding a new code class derived from AnimInstance will cause the Visual Studio build to fail in a project based on the code Vehicle template. The build errors indicate that there are problems in the ...

The Default Value for a Timespan variable resets whenever its Blueprint is compiled

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 30, 2014

The Default Value for a Timespan variable resets to 00:00:00.000 whenever its Blueprint is compiled. ...

Form Extended Structures will only destroy one mesh but not any attached

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Nov 28, 2014

DESCRIPTION: While using form extended structures enabled for a Destruction mesh one of the meshes will be able to be damaged while any others attached will not fracture or damage at all. For exam ...

CapsuleComponent Shape sometimes reverts to previous value after entering a new value

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 28, 2014

If you manually type in the value for Capsule Half Height, it will sometimes revert back to it's previous value upon hitting Enter. The CapsuleComponent's shape in the Blueprint's Viewport adjust to ...

Renaming a custom component code class and performing a Hot Reload will cause the Editor to crash when a Blueprint containing an instance of that component class is opened.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 26, 2014

Renaming a custom ActorComponent class when that class is set as a component in a Blueprint and performing a Hot Reload will crash the Editor if the Blueprint is opened for editing after the project ...

Moving or changing the name of a project's GameInstance will switch the Game Instance Class to None and crash launched games

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 26, 2014

If the GameInstance set in Project Settings > Maps & Modes > Game Instance Class is renamed or moved to another folder, the Game Instance Class is switched to None. This causes a launched game to cr ...