Reflection Captures when used with levels do not pass color of the reflection

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 7, 2015

When using a box or sphere reflection capture with a map that has level setup can result in the reflection capture losing any color values. The reflection will still show but now be block where when ...

NavMesh "Enable Drawing" option is not saved

UE - AI - Mar 7, 2015

USER DESCRIPTION: Every time I check "Enable Drawing" in project settings, save all, close the editor then open it again -> Enable Drawing is unchecked. Why? Is there some other place when this opti ...

Physical Materials Not Returning Correctly OnHit Events when using Switch on EPhysicalSurface Node

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 5, 2015

With an asset that has a physical material applied and generating hit events, the Switch on EPhysicalSurface node always returns the Default Surface Physical Material. The user on the AnswerHub po ...

Placing a ' - ' in theproject name will cause the Android build to fail

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 5, 2015

Android Build will fail if there is a hyphen in the Android Package Name. The user points out that this may be because of how Java works. I have attached my build failed logs. ...

Packaging for shipping on Android with 'for distribution' checked will cause the build to fail

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 5, 2015

When you attempt to package a project for shipping with 'For Distribution' enabled, the build will fail for mobile. ...

Crash with Distance Fields while using World Composition

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 4, 2015

Distance fields causing a crash when used in conjunction with World Composition. ...

ServerTravel from a map with a GameMode set to Use Seamless Travel and then ServerTravel back from a map without Seamless Travel enabled will crash the editor

UE - Networking - Mar 3, 2015

ServerTravel from a map with a GameMode set to Use Seamless Travel and then ServerTravel back from a map without Seamless Travel enabled will crash the editor. Reproduced in 4.7.1 binary and Main ( ...

Blueprint child asset is set moved to offset position when set to simulate physics

UE - Gameplay - Mar 3, 2015

When setting up a BP via the scene with the new method of adding components and converting to a BP the child component that is set to simulate physics enabled will be offset from its original positi ...

Docking tabs to the main viewport will hide other viewports that are not docked

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Mar 3, 2015

If any tabs are undocked from the main viewport and another tab is then docked to the main viewport it will hide any undocked tabs. This only appears to affect tabs that in the Menu > Window with ex ...

Using GENERATED_BODY() instead of GENERATED_UINTERFACE_BODY() in an Interface code class results in a UHT crash when trying to build the project.

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 3, 2015

Replacing GENERATED_UINTERFACE_BODY() with GENERATED_BODY() in 4.7.0 or above results in an Unreal Header Tool crash and build failure in Visual Studio. This was working in 4.6.1, but when tested i ...