Components and Actors attached to physics objects (with weld) are not solidly attached

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jul 2, 2015

Components and Actors attached to physics objects are not solidly attached. The child actor tends to float around in relation to the parent. Occurs even when using a "Weld" attachment In the exam ...

Contains array does not recognize compatible elements after reopening editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 1, 2015

Array Contains node does not recognize compatible elements after saving and restarting the editor. ...

Procedural / Custom Mesh Components will not render in Custom Depth

UE - Gameplay - Jul 1, 2015

A Custom Mesh Component or Procedural Mesh Component will not render in Custom Depth even though set to Render in Custom Depth is set to true. Also reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2605107 Bluepri ...

Plane constraints are stuck even when constrain to plane is turned off

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 1, 2015

Pawn Movements can be restricted to a specific plain, even if the planar constraints are turned off. ...

Editor crashes on compile with no warning when trying to access information from a "Slot as Canvas Slot" node on tick that has not been set yet by begin play

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jul 1, 2015

If a user creates a widget variable that is set on begin play and then tries to get information from that widget via the "Slot as Canvas Slot" node on tick the editor will crash. This appears to hap ...

Paper2D JSON files are being imported as Data Tables

Tools - Jul 1, 2015

Since Data Tables were changed to allow importing from JSON files, this has stopped the Paper2D importers from working. We need the Data Table import to be lower priority than anything else to allo ...

Collisions doesn't work at BeginPlay against Instanced Meshes if their Mobility is Static

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jul 1, 2015

User reports that in 4.8 in some cases bodies for Static-mobility ISMC instances are not yet initialized when BeginPlay is called. It seems like deferred creation for level streaming should be com ...

Cannot paint landscape layers onto tiled landscapes

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jun 30, 2015

paint layers do not take effect on all tiled layers that have a material incorporated if a user attempts to paint on them from the persistent level. ...

Editor crashes When exiting VR mode if the command "hmddbg showcamera on" was used

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 30, 2015

If the user inputs the command "hmddbg showcamera on" via a command line input then the editor will crash when exiting out of VR Mode. ...

Modifying a User created widget with an explicit navigation will cause the navigation to revert to it's default settings

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 30, 2015

EDIT: Initial investigation done, check comments. If the user creates a widget and then places that widget inside of another widget via the User created section and then sets up a navigation using ...