Fatal Error: Cast of Package to AnimGraphNode_BlendSpaceGraphBase failed when deleting an opened Blendspace node in a State graph

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Aug 10, 2021

When deleting a Blendspace or Blendspace 1D node in a state graph, after opening it, the editor crashes. It doesn't crash when deleting it before opening the Blendspace node. It also doesn't matter ...

Frame Times in section structs are not converted with changing the sequence's tick interval.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 23, 2021

When changing the tick interval of the sequence, frame values stored on structs are not converted.  ...

Dragging control rig Blueprint onto a sequence will fail to create a new spawnable

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 9, 2021

The class FControlRigObjectSpawner is set-up to spawn control rigs from a sequence, but it fails to implement and override for CreateNewSpawnableType, so spawnables can only be created by converting ...

Control rig blueprint spawns with Event Graph rather than Rig Graph when 'Spawn Default Blueprint Nodes' is false

UE - Anim - Rigging - Control Rig - Jun 7, 2021

It seems that disabling the 'Spawn Default Blueprint Nodes' editor preference results in control rig blueprints being created with event graphs rather than rig graphs. It doesn't appear to be possi ...

World Memory Leaks crash with a hidden sublevel to a redirector

Tools - Dec 8, 2020

From UDN: The reason it crashes is because Child doesn't get garbage collected, which is because it still has the RF_Standalone flag. UEditorEngine::EditorDestroyWorld clears RF_Standalone flag ...

Commonly used blueprint conversion functions should be promoted to top level category

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 16, 2020

Many useful blueprint utility nodes are buried in the Utility category and are not very discoverable by users. This leads to them choosing other nodes that are much less convenient and efficient. Th ...

"Depth pre-pass and base pass mismatch on D3D platforms with materials using World Position Offset

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 6, 2020

Looking at render doc captures in Base Pass we see pixelated black spots [Image Removed] which correspond directly to failed depth test: [Image Removed] See attached project for repro cases. ...

DXC: IOS Half precision no longer supported

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jun 9, 2020