Material containing null expressions crashes when launching the editor with the -Game flag

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Nov 23, 2023

This comes from a UDN report. [Link Removed] When launching the editor with -game, if a material contains a null expression (for instance because that material expression has been removed), the bin ...

Crash when duplicating camera on sequencer with viewport closed

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Nov 22, 2023

Can be worked around with always keeping a viewport opened. [Link Removed] ...

PCG graph always resave in the ResavePackage commandlet

UE - World Creation - Procedural Tools - PCG Graph - Nov 20, 2023

The package that contains the PCGGrapch is dirtied on load (UPackage::SetDirtyFlag) which triggers a resave operation. I traced it back to the following callstack: UnrealEditor-CoreUObject.dll!UPac ...

Deleting BP instances that have dynamic delegate bindings with other actors can cause those other actors to have stale actor desc references

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Partition - Nov 20, 2023

The message can be resolved by resaving the actor desc. ...

Movie Render Queue shows different behavior when a sequencer window is opened

UE - Anim - Sequencer - MRQ - Nov 20, 2023

When running Movie Render Queue job for a sequence which uses FKControlRig and a sequencer window is opened, Track->ReplaceControlRig() is called every single frame, not only an initial frame. This ...

Error using Panoramic Capture Plugin with an absolute path

Media Framework - Nov 17, 2023

When using the Panoramic Capture Plugin to render 360-degree images, it is possible to specify the output directory of the generated files. This can be any absolute path, or any relative path starti ...

SplineMeshActors all share the first spline placed rather than their own spline when using the mobile renderer.

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 17, 2023

SplineMeshActors all share the first spline placed rather than their own spline when using the mobile renderer. This was first reported in this UDN: ...

WP level instance runtime settings affect streaming generation

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Partition - Nov 16, 2023

If a level instance uses different runtime settings then it can override the main WP's runtime settings with UWorldPartitionRuntimeSpatialHash::ApplyCVars Runtime settings:GRuntimeSpatialHashUseA ...

Check hit in FNetworkObjectList::MarkActiveInternal for dormant actor after seamless travel

UE - Networking - Nov 15, 2023

When seamlessly traveling, FNetworkObjectList will have its data cleared. However, because FNetworkObjectList::Reset is called before FNetworkObjectList::ResetDormancyState, AllNetworkObjects will b ...

Media Player can't continue to play after the progress bar is dragged.

Media Framework - Nov 15, 2023

This bug occurs in 5.3 version. It's ok in 5.2 version. ...