EA Motive has pointed out a potential bug they found related task graph synchronization and when compiling compute PSOs: [Link Removed]. From the screenshot they sent over, it seems that a task grap ...
Can be mitigated by reopening the Level. There is a repro project provided by the licensee on the case ticket. ...
Licensees have reported failed multi-thread access code for NavElementAccessDetector in complex levels that have not finished compilation of their static meshes. The eventual failed check is inside ...
The mesh changes and the asset name stays the same while the two FBX are completly different: different filename, different mesh names in the FBX CF video for repro steps. https://forums.unreale ...
The GPU crashes after the ray tracing geometry builder attempts to create a shader resource view with an invalid offset. ...
Context Projects can turn on the project setting bDoFullyAsyncNavDataGathering to execute navigation mesh building tasks on worker threads. Some of these tasks will access the NavOctree, whose life ...
In UE 5.5, when loading a map and selecting "Build – Build Paths", the nav mesh is not generated on any BSP brushes (although it is correctly generated in static meshes). This did not happen in earl ...
cf[-https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/5-5-not-able-to-import-animation-curves-since-5-3-5-5/2267442/4-] Be carefull there is 2 bugs reported on that Forum and I think they are not related. The firs ...
TranslucencyVolume spheres are not correctly shadowed nor lit in Unreal 5.5 with VSMs disabled. Unreal 5.4 does correctly shade the sphere without VSMs. There appears to be differences in the outpu ...
There is an error with the SmartMacroInterface, where you can't use an empty wildcard "Make Array" node. This error makes the blueprint not compile and the macro unusable. Disabling the bUseSimpleWi ...