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Steps to Reproduce

We are currently unable to redirect a given UFUNCTION from one module to another when getting too specific regarding Package and Outer:


+FunctionRedirects=(OldName="/Script/ModuleA.ClassA.OldMethodName", NewName="/Script/ModuleB.ClassB.MethodName")

will be rejected by:


bool FCoreRedirects::AddRedirectList(TArrayView<const FCoreRedirect> Redirects, const FString& SourceString)
      if (NewRedirect.NewName.PackageName != NewRedirect.OldName.PackageName && NewRedirect.OldName.OuterName != NAME_None)
         UE_LOG(LogLinker, Error, TEXT("AddRedirectList(%s) failed to add redirector, it's not valid to modify package from %s to %s while specifying outer!"), *SourceString, *NewRedirect.OldName.ToString(), *NewRedirect.NewName.ToString());

but the following will work but might match too many things:

+FunctionRedirects=(OldName="OldMethodName", NewName="/Script/ModuleB.ClassB.MethodName")



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ComponentUE - Foundation - Core
Affects Versions5.0
Target Fix5.4
Fix Commit29921758
Main Commit30028849
CreatedApr 27, 2022
ResolvedNov 24, 2023
UpdatedFeb 16, 2024
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