
From a user: 

We are having some issues with blend masks and compatible skeletons. We have skeleton A as the base and skeleton B as a compatible skeleton. They both share a similar hierarchy (although not identical) We have a blend mask in skeleton A and use the node LayeredBlendPerBone (blendmask) with such mask in an ABP that will use skeleton B. We can see the blend mask is cached with the bone indexes of skeleton A. The blend mask is applied by bone index to skeleton B and since skeletons are not identical we don't get the correct behavior.
Steps to Reproduce

Add a compatible skeleton to a non-identical skeleton

Add a blend profile/mask

Blend profile behaves incorrectly

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ComponentUE - Anim - Gameplay
Affects Versions5.0
Target Fix5.4
Fix Commit28220331
Main Commit28220333
CreatedJun 29, 2022
ResolvedSep 26, 2023
UpdatedSep 27, 2023
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