
The flag is not propagated in FPrimitiveSceneShaderData::FPrimitiveSceneShaderData and so is missing in GPU-Scene primitive data. Need to add:
.UseSingleSampleShadowFromStationaryLights(Proxy->UseSingleSampleShadowFromStationaryLights()) .UseSingleSampleShadowFromStationaryLights(Proxy->UseSingleSampleShadowFromStationaryLights())

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Start editor
  2. Make sure VSM is turned off
  3. Create a directional light with stationary mobility 
  4. create a scene like the image, with at least one movable sphere and a static cube casting shadow on said sphere.

[Image Removed]

5. Set sphere to use single sample shadow from stationary lighting

[Image Removed]

6. build lighting

Observe (prior to fix) that the sphere does not appear to be shadowed. And after, it works as expected.


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ComponentUE - Graphics Features - Shadows
Affects Versions5.05.1
Target Fix5.1
Fix Commit21384884
Main Commit21384884
CreatedJul 21, 2022
ResolvedAug 15, 2022
UpdatedJun 30, 2023