
In blueprint graphs, the action list for soft object references of a Object subclass is incorrect. "Equal" spawns an incompatible node, while the expected "Equal (SoftObjectReference)" is missing. "Not Equal" has the same issue.

It works correctly for soft object references of type Object, but breaks on subclasses such as Actor.

Steps to Reproduce

Repro steps #1:

  • Open a blueprint
  • Create a blueprint variable of Actor soft object reference
  • Drag the variable onto the graph, drag a connection from the pin
  • In the action list, observe that the generic "Operator: Equal" creates an incompatible equals node (see video)
  • In the action list, also observe that Equal (SoftObjectReference) is missing


  • The action list should contain Equal (SoftObjectReference), or KismetSystemLibrary EqualEqual_SoftObjectReference
  • The action list, the generic "Operator > Equal" should also create the Equal (SoftObjectReference) node
    Both of the above are true when the BP variable is an soft object reference of Object. It breaks when it's an Object subclass.

Have Comments or More Details?

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ComponentUE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor
Affects Versions5.0
Target Fix5.1
Fix Commit21972524
Main Commit21984744
Release Commit21972481
CreatedSep 2, 2022
ResolvedSep 12, 2022
UpdatedSep 21, 2022
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